What happens if we eat too much instant noodles?

6 Dangers of instant Noodles for health 

Instant Noodles have become one of the always on demand fast food for the present generation.But this is not something that is a very good for health.not all of us are aware of the harmful effects of such a fast food. The dangerous effects of this fast food are not very visible or instantly relatable. its effects include bloating,bowel uneasiness, gas and non current indigestion.

1. High blood pressure 

The high sodium content in such noodles stimulates your blood pressure,causes fluid retention in your hands /feet and damages your kidney as well.If are already suffering from issues such as blood pressure and kidney disorder, this can worsen your situation even more.

2. Lowering Metabolism

In the long term, instant noodles also have a hand in slowing down your metabolism.
this result in you gaining weight drastically.this is simply effect of the toxins in such noodles,that accumulate in your body. These toxins are the ones that give the noodle its flavour,colour and preserve it for a longer time.

3. Mono sodium Glutamate

Mono sodium Glutamate or msg is what gives the noodles its taste.but the darker side is that msg can cause kidney disease,brain damage and several other illnesses as well.instant can be allergic to certain people. This can xause reactions and give the persons random headaches and chest pains.

4. Containing Wax

Wax is also is one of the ingredients of these noodles. wax is what prevents the noodles from merging with one another and makes them remain as individual strands. This wax can cause stomach probleums in people off all ages. Soaking the Noodles for  sometime in lukewarm water before cooking might help to an extent.

5. Cancer- Causing content

many instant noodles coame in sealed plastic containers.The Idea is to cook the noodle directly in the cup.pouring hot water into the cup might cause the cup to release certain toxins that can be Cancer causing. These toxins mix with the niodles and we end up consuming them unknowingly.

6. Damage Liver

These noodles have a fair share of humectants to reduce the loss of moisture.
This substance is not very friendly with your liver and kidney. They can create heavy damage to your liver and kidney.This also means your immune system is affected to a grater extent.


Tags: blood pressure,healthy eating,junk food


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